
Smart Solutions is expert in counselling on and assisting with career development of employees being made redundant.

The advantages of outplacement

  • 1
    Cost reduction
    Outplacement allows you to reduce costs through the absence of legal proceedings, extra social payments, and other problems associated with dismissals.
  • 2
    Saving trade secret disclosures
    Due to outplacement, dismissed employees stay satisfied and loyal to company and not inclined to divulge commercial secret or any another information not intended for rivals.
  • 3
    Saving a company’s image
    Keeping staff loyalty from both the employees made redundant and retained employees. Creating a positive image of your company as that taking good care of its employees even in reorganization or liquidation.
Наталья Мищенко
Anna Kitsyna
Head of key account department

+38 (044) 364 2243

Mo – Fr, 8:30 am – 7 pm

Need advice on outplacement?


Smart Solutions services

Outplacement is used where dismissal is caused by the company’s reorganization, liquidation, or staff reduction, and does not result from employees’ failure to perform their duties.

Information support

Information support

Assistance to employees in preparing a job search strategy, an action plan, as well as effective methods to monitor vacancies.

Psychological support

Psychological support

Evaluation of the candidate’s personality profile, determination of his or her potential, assistance at any stage of employment and adaptation.

Promoting candidates on the job market

Promoting candidates on the job market

Analysis of the employee’s professionalism, training in writing a CV and a covering letter, passing job interviews.

Learn more about outplacement by phone

+38 (044) 364 2243

Mo – Fr, 8:30 am – 7 pm

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